The actual cost your small org’s website

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Website design costs and services in Cornwall Ontario

Your website’s actual cost can be difficult to pin down, and, in today’s economic environment, efficiencies are in all departments is a must.

So how do we look for efficiencies at budget time, when we don’t know how much our website costs us?

Direct costs are pretty easy to tabulate, but indirect and ‘time-spent’ costs are a little trickier to nail down during budget times.

Working with some of our small org clients, we’ve put the work in to demystify this elusive cost and present it so that you can adjust the figures for your team.

Annual Cost analysis

Direct costs

Domain name purchase/renewals$50
Website hosting & technical support$600
SSL certificate$125
Design & Development:
5-year average cost ($7,000 initial, $750 per following year in upgrades/changes)
Apps, features and upgrade fees$250
Average direct costs an organization pays for their website each year$3,025

Time-spent costs for your team to manage the website

Communications/Marketing Manager (2 hours per week)*
Updating website core content
Updating homepage layout or design
Making changes to internal pages or navigation
Adding new pages to the website
Adding news stories, events or photos
Updating website branding or logos
Adding new features to the website
Connecting website to different apps
Website performance reporting*assuming a $45,000 annual salary @ 40/hrs per week
IT Manager (1 hour per week)*
Website Hosting
Website security updates
SSL certificate installation and renewals
DNS updates and management
Domain name registration, management and renewal
Website Hosting account management
Website Backups
Website platform updates
Website performance benchmarking
User technical support
User access management
*assuming a $55,000 annual salary @ 40/hours per week
Executive Director & Board members (1 hour per week each)*
Website cost budgeting and forecasting
Role definition and website task assignment
Website-related resource planning
Website provider evaluation and selection
Communication planning
*assuming a $75,000 annual salary @ 40/hours per week for ED and Board member is a volunteer
Cost for outlier administration tasks assigned to admin or operations team$250
Average time-spent costs an organization pays for their website each year$5,500

On average, a proper website can cost organizations like yours $8,525 in time spent and direct costs.

I have two additional notes to add to this quick analysis:

  1. The average figures above are assuming normal website operating conditions are maintained for the length of the timeframe, which in this case is five years. They do not include any remediation fees for hacked websites, downtime due to backup restoration, or major platform technical issues. It’s assuming all goes as planned, which, in our 20+ years of experience, rarely is that case, and we wanted to present a “base case scenario.”
  2. Our time estimate assumes that the people in the roles have an average level of proficiency with the tasks they are responsible for (i.e. branding, communications, website server maintenance, etc.). The time-spent estimates will need to be adjusted based on your organization’s team’s proficiency in completing their assigned tasks.

To be more realistic with these numbers, we should assume that $8,500 is the minimum annual cost for your organization’s website and will increase depending on your team’s capabilities and your forecasting approach (cautious vs. aggressive).

71% of business leaders expect to invest in their website to grow their business this year.*

Your competitor is in that group.

*KPMG report on Canadian business.

Your business deserves a great website.

Learn more about websites here: